At Earth retail we respect the privacy of ourcustomers. This policy describes how us collect, process, use and protect yourpersonal information as a data collector, when you contact us, use our servicesand interact with Earth retail through our physical stores or Staged platforms (includingweb site, mobile app, together "application"). By using our service,you agree to the handling of your information in accordance with this privacypolicy.
Reference in this privacy policy to we, our, us or similarare refer to Earth Ecommerce and user or you or similar are reference to you asan individual or legal entity as the case may be.
We may collect and process the following informationabout you:
If you choose not to provide your personal information to beused in accordance with this Policy, you will still be able to visit ourPlatforms but you may not be able to access certain options, products orservices, and in some cases we may not be able to fulfil a service you request.
How we use your personal information
It is in our legitimate business interests to use theinformation provided to us for this purpose, so we can understand any issueswith our services to improve it.
We do not sell, share, or rent any such personalinformation, unless required by special circumstances such as compliance withsubpoenas, court orders, requests from legal authorities or law enforcementagencies requiring such disclosure. This website takes every precaution toprotect users' information. When users submit sensitive information via thewebsite, your information is protected both Staged and off-line.
We operate channels, pages and accounts on some social mediasites to inform, assist and engage with customers. We monitor and recordcomments and posts made on these channels about us so that we can improve ourservices.
Earth retail is not responsible for any information postedon those sites other than information we have posted ourselves. We do notendorse the social media sites themselves or any information posted on them bythird parties.
The following companies, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,Google, Snapchat and LinkedIn, may use data for their own purposes,specifically to market to you through their social media platforms and allowengagement on our websites. This includes profiling and targeting you withother advertising.
Cookies and other technologies
We collect information related to youruse of our website using cookies, web beacons, and log information. We useall these information to improve the functionality of the website every time wedo an overall review of our users’ activities, which will make your access moresecure and efficient.
- Cookies are small files containing strings of textstored on your computer that we use to authenticate you in transactionsmade on our websites and deliver content specific to your interests andpreferences.
- Web beacons are used often together with cookies. We useweb beacons to monitor the user’s activity on our website, specifically onhow long users visit our web pages, so we would be able to generatereviews and results on website traffic, unique visitor counts, and otherimpression functions.
- Log information may include website requests, operatingsystem, browser details, date and time of your request, and cookies thatmay identify your browser.
We use IP addresses to analysetrends, administer the site, track user's movement, and gather broaddemographic information for operational use. IP addresses are not linked topersonally identifiable information.
Your choices when it comes to Cookies
You can use your browser settings to accept or reject newCookies and to delete existing Cookies. You can also set your browser to notifyyou each time new Cookies are placed on your computer or other device.
If you choose to disable some or all Cookies, you may not beable to make full use of our platforms. For example, you may not be able to additems to your shopping basket, proceed to checkout, or use some of our productsand services that require you to sign in.
Once you have given us your consent to the use of cookies,we shall store cookies on your computer or device. If you wish to withdraw yourconsent at any time, you will need to delete our cookies using your internetbrowser settings.
All information that we have collected is available in ourdatabase of contacts. For users who registered on Earth retail, E-Commerceplatform, all information are available Staged in your account and you mayaccess to such information at any time by logging in to your account throughour application for the purpose of viewing and in certain cases, updating yourinformation.
You can opt-out of receiving future marketing communicationsfrom us at any time by adjusting your customer communication preferences,through the unsubscribe link within the email communication. Please note thatif you unsubscribe from marketing communications you will still receiveoperational and service messages from us regarding the services or products youbought from us and responses to enquiries made to us, and that we may hold yourdetails on a suppression list so we don't send you marketing communications inthe future.
Also, our system will place cookies when you log on to ourapplication and this is to ensure you have an enjoyable user experience and areable to utilise all aspects of the Application. You may disable Cookies bychanging the settings on your browser. If you disable Cookies, it will affecthow our application works and you may not be able to access or use certainareas of our application or full functionality.
How you can contact us
If you have any concern about your information on theapplication, please contact us by calling our call centre on 800MYEARTH (8006932784)from 9.00AM to 6.00 PM or write to
Last updated on 01-08-2021